Technology for desert landscaping Ecogreentech

Taking into account the urgency of the problem of greening abandoned lands and deserts, we have developed Ecogreentech technology, which allows us to create conditions in abandoned and sandy soils for moisture retention and formation of microflora capable of accumulating humus layer necessary for plant growth.

Ecogreentech Stages:

- land plot survey
- laboratory analysis
- Approval of the required planting area
- division into several plots
- agreeing the amount of the project
- receipt of 25% prepayment, start of works
- after ¼ of the works, payment of the next 25% and carrying out the works up to 50% readiness
- after completion of 2/4 of the works, payment of the next 25% and carrying out the works up to 75% readiness
- after completion of ¾ of works, payment of the last amount and carrying out works up to full readiness
- job acceptance